What is good laboratory practice?

Due to the expansion of pharmaceutical companies, laboratories of cosmetic companies, and laboratories that perform toxic tests, the need to control the quality of products and data is felt more than before.
During its activities, any laboratory may encounter problems such as missing information, reports that need to be more accurate, reports verified by unauthorized persons, uncalibrated devices, etc. To solve such problems, laboratories must follow a series of rules known as good laboratory practice or GLP.
Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) is a quality control system, including management controls for laboratories and research organizations to ensure chemical uniformity, consistency, reliability, quality, and integrity. This includes drugs as well as non-clinical safety tests for physicochemical properties.
In other words, the data produced using GLP methods are a true reflection of the work or study and are traceable to internationally accepted standards.
In this article, we want to talk about GLP, the correct methods of doing it in the laboratory, and how FG products are useful for achieving GLP standards in the laboratory environment.

GLP was first introduced in 1972 in New Zealand and Denmark. GLP was established in the United States following cases of fraud by toxicology laboratories in data submitted by pharmaceutical companies to the FDA. Among industrial Bio Test laboratories, IBT was the most prominent case, where thousands of safety tests were falsely claimed to have been carried out for chemical manufacturers. Hence, the data could have been better so that the police investigators could not understand what tests were done.
This issue led the US Food and Drug Administration to present regulations under Good Laboratory Practice in 1976.
GLP applies to non-clinical studies conducted to evaluate the safety or efficacy of chemicals (including drugs) in humans, animals, and the environment.

    • Improving the quality of test data
    • Preventing repetition of experiments and reducing the time spent on research activities
    • Improving the protection of human health and the environment
    • Facilitating acceptance of test data by international organizations and traceability of results
    • Preventing the creation of commercial and technical barriers

    The GLP Code sets out the rules for good practice, generally summarized in 5 principles, and helps researchers conduct their experiments according to predetermined plans and standard procedures.

    1. Sources: Including human resources, organization, facilities, and equipment
    2. specifications: Including test material and test system
    3. Current rules and regulations: including protocols, SOP, and various strategic aspects of tests
    4. Documenting the results: Raw data, final report, and archives
    5. quality guarantee


    1- Resources


    human resources

    GLP regulations require that the number of personnel is proportional to the scope and volume of laboratory activities. The competence of the employees to carry out the assigned responsibilities must also be confirmed by the technical director of the laboratory.

    Upon arrival and according to the responsibilities assigned to them, all personnel must undergo the necessary specialized and safety training. The records of these training and their effectiveness evaluation should be recorded and archived, and the technical manager should be sure of the effectiveness of the training.


    The infrastructure and design of the laboratory should be such that it provides favorable conditions for testing and the safety of personnel and makes it easy to perform the test correctly. For this purpose, it is necessary to pay attention to the following points:

    • The laboratory’s size, structure, and location should be appropriate to the scope of the activity.
    • Sources of environmental pollution should be considered, and any pollution should be prevented as much as possible.
    • Sources of environmental pollution should be considered, and any pollution should be prevented as much as possible.
    • The laboratory space should be such that the maintenance of materials and equipment, cleaning, and disinfection are easily possible.
    • The laboratory must have a suitable environment for receiving and storing samples so that there is no possibility of contamination of the sample and the sample is kept in suitable and controlled environmental conditions as needed.
    • The place for performing microbiological experiments should include at least 3 separate sections for preparation and sterilization of culture medium, culture room, and incubation room.
    • Hazardous materials such as chemicals and microbial strains should be stored in a suitable place, and safety cabinets and special shelves should be used to store them.
    • Chemicals that may react with each other should be stored separately.
    • The place where the records are kept, the personnel locker room, etc., should be proportional to the number of documents and employees.
    • Based on the type of activity, the space inside the laboratory should be made of resistant materials suitable for the type of experiment. For example, the walls, ceiling, and floor should be easy to clean, and their surface should not be slippery. The design of the windows should prevent the entry of dust.

    Materials and equipment

    Each laboratory must have an implementation method to purchase and prepare the necessary equipment and supplies that affect the quality of the test. Developing a suitable method for evaluating suppliers and contractors is also necessary. This evaluation should be done based on a set of predetermined criteria. The records of these evaluations should be recorded and archived to include the supplier’s name, address, and scope of activity. Equipment repair and calibration records should also be recorded and archived similarly.

    The records of each piece of equipment must include at least the following:

    • Equipment identification code
    • The name of the manufacturer and the unique specifications of the equipment, such as the serial number
    • Location
    • Environmental conditions
    • How to work with the device and manufacturer’s instructions
    • Repair and calibration records




    To perform the test correctly, knowing as much as possible about the sample and the equipment used during the test is necessary. One of the principles of good laboratory operation is knowing and properly handling the test substance (often a chemical compound) and the test system (often a living animal).


    3- Current laws and regulations


    An organization’s rules for good laboratory operations should be defined and recorded in the form of documents approved by management. These rules clearly define what each person is responsible for and how the processes are carried out. These documents are classified into 2 groups:

    • The protocol (or study design) describes how to design and conduct the study. For example, the period considered for conducting the study or experiment.
    • standard operating procedure (SOP) that provides detailed instructions on how to perform each test and properly organize its environmental conditions and data.


    4- Documenting the results


    Each of the test steps follows data. These data are recorded in the final test report and represent the final result of a test. For this reason, it is very important that the data is collected completely and has accuracy and integrity. This section of the Good Laboratory Practice Rules deals with collecting, documenting, and reporting test results.

    What are the principles of final reporting of the test?

    The test results must be recorded and reported accurately and clearly without any ambiguity. The documentation of these reports can be done both in written (paper) and electronic form, and the minimum information that should be included in it includes the following:

    • Name and address of the test center
    • An identification number and test start and end date
    • Details of test materials and equipment
    • Method and reference used
    • Name and place of sending the sample
    • Specimen specifications (production series, production date, expiration date, weight, etc.).
    • summary of results
    • Signature of Quality Assurance Manager
    • Examiner’s signature


    5- Quality assurance


    One of the important principles of good laboratory operations is quality assurance, which, as an independent internal entity, controls all testing-related policies and procedures.

    The Quality Assurance (QA) unit is a group of people with a set of defined tasks that oversee the correct performance of all processes related to quality control implemented in the test. The main mission of the quality assurance system is independent monitoring of the entire research process and its organizational framework.

    All laboratory equipment produced by FG ​​has the necessary standards for good laboratory operation. In the rest of this article, we look at FG laboratory equipment and its standards for good laboratory operation.

Stability test chambers in ‘Good Laboratory.’


Drug stability test chambers or temperature and humidity chambers (STABILITY TEST CHAMER) are important devices for creating special environmental conditions for pharmaceutical ICH tests. Drug sustainability tests are an important part of the development of pharmaceutical and medical sciences, doubling the chambers’ importance and sensitivity. From stability chambers, mainly for taking tests ICH GUIDELINE Q1A It is used to place the drug in different temperature and humidity conditions, for example, 40 degrees Celsius and 70% humidity, and measure the stability of the drug, which must follow the strict requirements of quality assurance systems. These requirements may include installation and operational qualification, calibration certificates (including light certificates), and independent parameter recording.


Another important point of the FG stability test chamber is the ability to calibrate the device. If the calibration is 1 point, the device is calibrated only at the same point, and by calibrating at one temperature, the calibration of different temperatures is out of adjustment. Some devices are calibrated in two temperatures; in this case, the device considers a hypothetical line based on these two temperatures and calibrates the rest of the temperatures based on this hypothetical line. Since some points may not be following the assumed line of the device, calibration in two points cannot guarantee the device’s high accuracy; therefore, the more calibration points, the more accurate calibration is performed, and the device works accurately in the entire temperature range. FG equipment is calibrated in 6 temperature points.

According to today’s world standards, the temperature of the chamber should be controlled by an independent thermostat so that when necessary, by cutting off the voltage of the element, they prevent the increase of the temperature of the chamber and avoid possible damage. The safety thermostat is separate. The ability to connect to FGLAB software is another advantage of this device. By connecting to this software, you can view all device information, including temperature, humidity, and fan speed, in the form of graphs and tables. Also, according to the requirements of pharmaceutical factories, it is possible to provide QUALIFICATION documents, including IQ, OQ, and PQ, for FG products.


cooled Incubator for Microorganisms in ‘Good Laboratory.’


A cooled incubator should enable GLP-compliant testing of samples such as bacteria and fungi. Achieving this goal requires a very precise method of temperature control.

One of the most important advantages of FG incubators isothermal at all chamber points and thermal stability. For the first time in Iran, it has brought uniformity at 27 points of the chamber. Another important advantage is temperature stability even in cooling mode, made possible using NON-CUT technology.

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